HEALT: How a 6-second MORNING RITUAL helped me lose 43 kg of fat...

(I went from 226 to 133 lbs and I still enjoy my favorite foods).


At 49 years old, I was 1.70 meters tall and weighed 223 kilos. If they had told me that in six months I would be walking around Candelaria, I wouldn’t have believed them. But I did yesterday.

When my husband and I were younger, we were planning to move to Bogotá. We love the outdoors and always dreamed of living so close to the historic centers that we could visit them every weekend.

But I messed up our plans.

After all, I gave birth to two beautiful children, and each of them added about 40 to my overall size. After each delivery, I felt heavier and more tired. Looking in the mirror filled me with disgust and shame. It didn’t help that I love delicious food. But when you’re 49, healthy food isn’t exactly your priority. My friends wouldn’t invite me to do anything fun because I couldn’t even take 20 steps without getting out of breath.

My husband did many of the walks alone because he had to ask for help from other walkers to get me back home. The worst part is that I saw him when he looked at me. I know he loved me, but I looked nothing like the woman he fell in love with. And I couldn’t blame him.

One day, everything changed…

While I was sitting on a bench in the plaza, a friend called me and told me she had lost 3 dress sizes.

I had been doing a ‘6-second morning ritual’ every day, but I was skeptical!

Then I saw a story in my news feed about a woman a little older than me who had lost over 100 pounds with the same ‘6 second morning ritual’.

At that moment I knew it was for me.

But just to make sure, I arranged a video call with my doctor.

I told him about the ‘6-Second Morning Ritual’ and he assured me it was a good option for me.

The results were extraordinary.

✅ My waistline has shrunk.
✅ The big ugly number decreased drastically.
✅ I have had more energy
✅ I even fit into my pre-baby jeans.
✅ I had more appetite


The crazy thing is that I ate whatever I wanted and still lost fat, thanks to this ‘6-Second Morning Ritual’.

I no longer feel like the person who sits on the sidelines while life happens.

Enjoying the outdoors is my new favorite activity. When I choose to stay home, it’s because I want to spend quality time with my husband.

Today, I am not only lighter, but healthier, more energetic, and happier and more motivated than ever.

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